AgeWise Program
AgeWise delivers psychological therapies for older people with mild to moderate mental illness living in residential aged care facilities (RACF) in Tasmania.
Eligibility Criteria:
This program is available to adults who:
- Are living in Residential Aged Care on an ongoing basis;
- Have a mild to moderate mental health condition requiring psychological intervention (note: people with severe mental health conditions will be referred onwards).
- Have completed the ‘AgeWise Referral Form’ (linked below).
How we can help
- The AgeWise team consists of allied health professionals with specialised counselling skills and experience in working with older people
- The team operates collaboratively with other members of the participant’s health care team in a stepped care model
- Treatment consists of 10 fully funded counselling sessions in one-to-one and/or group settings, depending on the person’s needs and preferences
- Evidence-based interventions are delivered with a commitment to person-centred care and recovery
- Referral for the program is via our referral form and is open to residents, family members, RACF staff, and any member of the person’s medical team
The service is:
- Independent
- Impartial
- Accessible
- Specialist
- Professional
- Free
- Inclusive
- Confidential
AgeWise Referral Form
If you would like to join our program, please download the form and complete all the sections possible.
Alternatively, please call Richmond Futures on (03) 6228 3344 to speak with one of our staff who can help you with the process.
This program is supported by Primary Health Tasmania under the Australian Government’s Primary Health Networks Program.